Lady Deathstrike

I was excited to start to do a Lady Deathstrike. She is a character I have been looking to do for some time now, so was eager to get started. Not being sure of the recipe to use, I got started. Biting the bullet I chose a Kitty Pride (Shadowcat) for the upper body and Electra for the Lower. You can take a look at my other work here. You can also find me on both Facebook, where I have a dedicated page and group that you can join, and Instagram. I have recently added twitter to my portfolio of social media, so feel free to follow me there too.

How was Lady Deathstrike made

Sanding down the original figures and sculpting over the bodies, I built up tothis particular look. The shoulders are pretty armored, because of this it became a challenge to give her enough articulation to allow the posing. Sculpted with two heads, angry and normal, to allow for different scenarios These heads are easily interchangeable for light play and posing.

The base was airbrushed, and highlighted by hand. Plenty of shading with the airbrush allowed her to pop. She has been one of the more difficult, but most satisfying custom figures to complete.

Picture and 360 video

Lady Deathstrike

I was really happy that the finished custom was as I imagined. There was a time whilst building her that I wasn’t sure how she would turn out. I am especially happy with the fingers, as I wanted these to show elongated, without looking too stretched.

The heads are also interchangeable, therefor you can have one angry looking lady, or a more natural face. The heads will literally just pop off with a short and sharp tug.

And here is the 360!

Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

Marvel Legends Lady Deathstrike, by Face Customs

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